AFN First Nations Homelessness Focus Group: Consent Form

Archipel, an Indigenous owned and run research company, in collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), is conducting virtual engagement sessions regarding the AFN’s National First Nations Homelessness Action Plan.


The purpose of this research project is to engage First Nations leadership, technicians, and other partners on their priorities and vision for the development of a National First Nations Homelessness Action Plan. Engagement findings on the needs and priorities of First Nations related to addressing homelessness as it impacts their members living in or away from their First Nation will help inform the National First Nations Homelessness Action Plan.


We are inviting you to participate in a focus group that will last 2-3 hours. During the focus group, the facilitator will guide the discussion and a note taker will take typed notes. Additionally, an option will be provided for the focus groups to be audio-recorded at the consent of all participants. Participants have the option to request standardized notes of their interview or focus group to be verified for accuracy. The participants will be given two weeks to make any corrections or additions to these notes, or to withdraw from the study. The focus group will not begin until you have given both verbal and written consent.


We acknowledge and understand that when discussing First Nations experiences as well as experiences with homelessness and housing insecurity, topics related to discrimination and colonialism may arise and some may be triggered. In response, the facilitator will do their best to make sure you are comfortable during the focus group. Archipel has also organized for a First Nations Elder to be present during the focus group to open our discussion in a good way and to give participants support throughout and after the process.


Your participation and any contributions to this project will be kept anonymous and confidential unless otherwise specified. If you choose to remain anonymous, you will be assigned a number code that will be placed on all materials associated with your participation. Your name and signed consent form will be filed separately from these materials. No comments made by participants during the focus groups will be personally attributed to them in any report, regional, and national publications associated with this project published by either Archipel or AFN.


Data from this engagement will consist primarily of typed notes, transcripts, and audio-recordings. The notes, transcripts, and audio-recordings will be stored in a locked file cabinet and on a password protected computer. The data will be kept for up to twelve (12) months after this research project has ended, at which point all focus group notes will be destroyed by shredding or deleting the files. Research data will only be accessible by the research team at Archipel.


Participating in this project is voluntary. You can end your participation at any time. You do not have to answer any question you do not want to answer. There will be no consequences for you now or in the future if you choose not to participate.


The interviews will be conducted in English and French, at the request of the participants. Should the participant need the interview conducted in an Indigenous language, Archipel will collaborate with the participant to find a community translator to help conduct the focus group.


Archipel knows that knowledge and data collected about First Nations is essential for First Nations self-determination and governance. Therefore, Archipel recognizes and respects the principles of ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP®)* outlined by the First Nations Information Governance Centre. If you wish to own, control, access, and/or possess the information specific to your community, you are entitled to do so.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation in this engagement, you may contact the Archipel Research and Consulting Inc., at 316 Bruyere Street, Suite 204. Ottawa, ON. K1N 0C3. Website: Email: ACCEPTANCE Please keep a copy of this consent form for your records.

I ___________________________________ agree to participate in the above engagement conducted by Archipel Research and Consulting Inc.

Do you agree to be audio recorded: ____ Yes ____ No

Would you like the focus group information to be anonymous: ____ Yes ____ No

Would you like to receive notes from your focus group: ___ Yes ___No

Focus group language: ____ English ____ French ____ Other, please specify:

________________ Participant’s signature: ___________________ Date: ________________

Researcher’s signature: ___________________ Date: ________________

*OCAP® is a registered trademark of the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC). Please refer to for more information.