John Carlson, PhD (Cand.), MA, BA
John Carlson is Anishinaabe and a member of the Red Rock Indian Band. He has worked on issues of Indigenous self-determination, land-use conflict, and cultural revitalization. He has conducted research on the economics and politics of trapping in northern Ontario, as well as the importance of manoomin to Anishinaabe communities. His research expertise lies in the area of political economy, land use, community development, and economic history.
His passion is understanding and determining the multiplicity of factors that affect the empowerment of Anishinaabe communities. His article “Manoomin is not Wild Rice: An Anishinaabeg Treaty” appeared in Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien, the journal of the Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries. He teaches Indigenous and Canadian studies at Carleton. He is fluent in English, French, and German.
Candidate, PhD Indigenous and Canadian Studies (Carleton University); M.A. Indigenous Governance (University of Victoria); B.A. Art History and Philosophy (Carleton University).