Sabre Pictou Lee

Sabre Pictou Lee JD, MA, BFA

Chief Executive Officer

Sabre is Archipel’s CEO and co-founder and is a Mi’kmaw citizen of Ugpi’ganjig (Eel River Bar First Nation) in northern New Brunswick. Sabre holds a Juris Doctor of Law with a specialization in Indigenous and Aboriginal Law from Dalhousie University, an M.A. in Indigenous and Canadian Studies from Carleton University and a B.F.A. in Art History and Indigenous Studies from Concordia University.

Sabre is a highly experienced and sought-after Indigenous liaison and researcher with over ten years of experience in the areas of Indigenous and Aboriginal law, mediation, Indigenous arts & culture, identity, health, and language revitalization. She has worked in Indigenous-related program development, community planning, facilitation, marketing, and policy development and analysis. Her work includes developing reconciliation frameworks and relation tools, First Nation band codes, economic development initiatives, brand management, harm-reduction tools, Indigenous law revitalization and Aboriginal and Treaty Right projects.

Sabre has led a variety of projects seeking to augment Indigenous sovereignty, stewardship, and inclusion in provincial, federal, and organizational relations and workings. Under Sabre’s leadership, Archipel has served such noteworthy clients as ISO/APTN ,Canada Council for the Arts, Assembly of First Nations, Global Centre for Pluralism, , CN Railway, Covenant House Toronto, Department of Canadian Heritage, Parks Canada, The Native Women’s Association of Canada, and the Ottawa Museum Network, to mention just a few. 

With her facilitation and mediation expertise, Sabre works to build bridges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, uplift community voices, and facilitate reconciliation. In 2022, Sabre was recognized as Invest Ottawa’s International Woman of the Year and received the Donald Marshall Junior Memorial Award for her Aboriginal Treaty Rights advocacy.

A former downhill skier who competed internationally, and varsity rugby player, Sabre continues to be heavily involved in the world of sports and is an avid outdoor enthusiast who works to honour and promote land stewardship.  She serves as a board member/advisor to Protect our Winters Canada, Outsiders Network and AndHumanity.

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