Jean-Marie Vianney Rurangwa, PhD (Cand.), MA, BA, BA
Jean-Marie Vianney Rurangwa is a sociologist, educator, and author with decades of experience illuminating the most pressing social and political questions through social science inquiry. His MA research, entitled La question de l’ethnicité au Rwanda. Idéologie raciste et pouvoir, explored the origins and causes of the genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda.
His critically acclaimed and widely studied works, published in France, Sweden, Mali, Rwanda, and Canada, include Les identités lourdes à porter, essai littéraire (L’Harmattan), “Lorsque la langue devient une arme prônant la destruction de l’autre : parcours diachronique” (in Le génocide des Tutsi. Rwanda, 1994 : lectures et écritures. Presses de l’Université Laval), “Afrika, vem är du?” (in Emergencia, Bild Museet, Umea Universitet), his novel Au sortir de l’enfer (L’ Harmattan), and his autobiography Un Rwandais sur les routes de l’exil (L’ Harmattan). He has also directed and produced theatre in several countries, as well as being a fellow of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. He is fluent in French, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Italian, and English, and proficient in Spanish, Swahili, and German.
Candidate, Ph.D. Sociology (University of Ottawa); M.A. Sociology (University of Ottawa); BA (Licenza in Sociologia) Sociology (Pontifica Universita Gregoriana), BA (Licence en Lettres françaises) French Language and Literature (Université du Burundi).